Universiteit Leiden

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Van Steenis Depot

Visiting address

Van Steenis Building
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden


For any book locker issues, please call the University Library (UB): 071-5272813 (+31-71-5272813)

Borrowing at Van Steenis

At the Van Steenis Building, Leiden University Libraries has a library materials pick-up point.

To be able to borrow materials using the Van Steenis book lockers, please request your items using the catalogue, and choose pick-up location Van Steenis Depot from the drop-down menu. Make sure to always bring your valid and activated library card when picking up your books.

Materials requested before 16:00 on weekdays will be made available in one of the book lockers the next working day from 16:00 onwards. The library will send an e-mail notice as soon as an item is ready for pick-up.

Book locker issues?

In case of any issues regarding the book locker system, please contact the University Library (UB) info desk for assistance: 071-5272813 (+31-71-5272813)

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