Universiteit Leiden

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Arminius Fellowship

As of 2017 the Vera Gottschalk-Frank Foundation has invoked an Arminius Fellowship at the Scaliger Institute. The Foundation supports the promotion of research into all holdings relating to the Remonstrants in the Special Collections of Leiden University Libraries.

Jacobus Arminius
Jacobus Arminius

Arminius Fellowship

The Arminius Fellow(s) will be guests of the Scaliger Institute for at least one month and up to a maximum of three months. The fellow(s) will donduct research in the Special Collections Department of Leiden University Libraries on all relevant holdings related to the Remonstrants.

The fellow, preferably a researcher with an excellent track record or a researcher who made his or her name in the field, will be affiliated to the instute for a maximum period of three months. In addition to the obligation to hold an annual lecture, the fellow can also be deployed in giving master classes to students and PhD candidates. The research in Leiden should result in a publication and a short written report report for the board of the Vera Gottschalk-Frank Foundation. The allowance is € 1,000 per month.

The deadline for sending in the application form is 1 April 2024.

Conditions Arminius Fellowship

Applications for an Arminius Fellowship have to comply with a number of conditions:

• Fellows are expected to conduct their research in Leiden University Libraries and/or The Scaliger Institute during the period of the fellowship.
• Fellows are responsible for ensuring they have the correct visa to support a research trip in the Netherlands for the duration of the fellowship.
• An invitation to take up a fellowship will be made subject to agreement on the dates of the visit. Applicants should indicate their preferred dates on the application form.
• All Fellowships are to be started and completed during the period May 2023 to 31 December 2023, except when a special agreement is made.
• It is the fellow's responsibility to find an accommodation for living (with the support of the Housing Department of the University) and to fund all the costs of the visit with the support of the funds awarded. Applicants should be aware that accommodation costs in Leiden may exceed the funds offered.
• The fellow will provide the Scaliger Institute with a written research report at the completion of the Fellowship.
• The fellow will provide Leiden University Libraries with a copy of every publication resulting from the research visit.

Applicants are reminded that if they require a visa in order to start a fellowship in the Netherlands, they must secure the appropriate visa and, once a proposal has been accepted, awarding of the fellowship will be on the condition of fulfilling this requirement.

Applications must include:

• A completed application form stating personal details, the name of the fellowship, the title of the proposed research project, the preferred dates of the intended visit and the names and addresses of two academic referees;
• A proposal for research to be carried out in the Special Collections of Leiden University Library during the term of the Fellowship (1,200 words or fewer). Applicants should indicate how the proposed study advances their own research goals and how the study satisfies any particular aims of the award;
• The research proposal must specify the relation between the proposed research and the primary sources, which are to be researched and consulted in the Special Collections Department of the library;
• A list of manuscripts, editions of other items to be consulted in the library, supplied with shelf marks;
• A start and end date of the proposed research;
• A curriculum vitae;
• A list of relevant publications;
• Two letters of recommendation from the academic referees named in the application form. Applicants should ask the referees to comment on their professional knowledge of the applicant and the contribution the proposed research would make to scholarship. The referees should be asked to send their letters directly to the Coordinator of the Fellowship Programme, by e-mail or by post to the following address: K. van Ommen, Scaliger Institute, P.O. Box 9501, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands;
• Researchers who have yet to obtain their doctoral degree also need to have a letter of recommendation from their supervisor(s);
• Fellows who have previously received a fellowship from the Scaliger Institute, cannot obtain this grant a second time.

Evaluation Committee

The Arminius Fellowship applications will be reviewed by a special board consisting of: Prof. dr. R. Honings (Scaliger Professor), Dr. K. van Ommen (Coordinator Scaliger Institute) en Dr. P. Korbee (Vera Gottschalk-Frank Foundation).

Application Form

Applicants for the Drewes fellowship are required to fill out this application form (see aside) and send it to the coordinator of the Scaliger Insitute, K. van Ommen, Leiden University Library, P.O. Box 9501, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands.

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