Universiteit Leiden

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Linking to library resources

Assistance creating links to journal articles and (e-)books.

Linking to articles and e-books is often done by copying the URL from the address bar. Unfortunately, such a url can expire, resulting in an error message when students try to access the item. We therefore recommend creating a stable link using the manual below.

The UBL Link Generator helps to create links directly to a journal or e-book on a publication platform.

Creating a direct link manually:

If you can locate a DOI then create a link by pasting the DOI behind the following url:


For example: Traag, V.A., Waltman, L. & van Eck, N.J. From Louvain to Leiden: guaranteeing well-connected communities. Sci Rep 9, 5233 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41695-z

Persistent URL
To create a persistent URL access the relevant article on the publisher's publication platform. Look for words such as, “persistent URL”, “stable URL”,” infomark”, “permalink”, "document URL", "durable link". Then paste the posted link behind the following url:


For example: C. Walcott, Pigeon homing: observations, experiments and confusions, in: Journal of Experimental Biology 1996, 199: 21-27, gevonden link:https://jeb.biologists.org/content/199/1/21

From Scholarly Publications
In most Open Access repositories, such as Scholarly Publications, articles are attributed a handle, starting with https://hdl.handle.net/. This handle always leads directly to the publication. For example, the link to "Supplementing the legal bases: the meaning of Section 8:69 of the GALA in the light of article 48 (old) Rv", by R.W.J. Crommelin, is: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/11859.

From images or collection descriptions in Digital Special Collections
Click on Linking to this object.

Linking an item from the catalogue is pretty easy. Just search for the relevant title in the Catalogue and then copy the link under the Permalink tab. 

It is not possible to create a stable link for articles with no DOI or permanent links. In this case you can use the url. Also, it is possible to make a link to the journal or ebook title in question in the catalogue, so students can look up the article or chapter themselves.


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