Universiteit Leiden

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Financial donations

Your support enables the UBL to continue fulfilling its role for the Leiden University community. You can make a one-off donation or make donations on a periodical basis. Gifts can made for the library as a whole, or for a designated project, the purchase of a subject collection or the digitalisation of a manuscript from the Asian Collections.

One-off donations may be made by bank transfer to the account of the Stichting Scaliger Instituut: IBAN NL33RABO0306746247. The ANBI number of the foundation is: 850292505.

Please contact Kasper van Ommen, Coordinator External Relations of the UBL for more information.

Donating books and other materials

Leiden University Libraries welcomes gifts of books, manuscripts, and other materials in support of the University’s programs. The Library is very grateful for the many donation offers that it continues to receive.

Whom to contact:

  • Gifts intended for the circulating collections should be discusses with the appropriate subject librarian.
  • Gifts of rare books, manuscripts, maps, paintings, photographs, and other materials should be discussed with the relevant curator.

Sometimes we ask to provide a brief outline of the nature of the items to be donated, such as a list of titles (author, title, publisher, year and edition), and a description of the physical condition of the materials. In case of gifts to Special Collections further documentation and agreements with you about the selection cataloguing, placing and availability may be needed.

Because of the limited amount of storage space and cost of restauration, cataloguing and storage, subject librarians and curators need to be careful accepting gifts. The Library generally does not accept gifts as long term loans, except under exceptional circumstances and only with the approval of the University Librarian.

After acceptance donations can be shipped to the Library or delivered to the library information desk.

Upon receipt gifts usually become the property of Leiden University Libraries. The Library reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to the use and disposition of gifts. Gift materials not added to the library collections may be offered for exchange or sale.

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