Universiteit Leiden

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Lecture + Q&A

Connect & Preserve: File formats

Thursday 11 July 2024
Online Teams meeting

In this Connect & Preserve session, we take a deeper dive into file formats for research data with speaker – and file format expert – Valentijn Gilissen of DANS. Choosing the right file format helps to ensure your data remains usable in the long-term, at the same time helping the interoperability with other datasets and the reusability for others. But how do you know which file format to choose? For example, how to choose between an open file format, which can be easily opened by others and preserves well in the long-term, and a proprietary format that is the most accepted and used format in your discipline? And while checking the ‘preferred file format’ lists produced by, for example, DANS is very helpful in this process, who actually decides which formats are put on this list, and how do they decide?

About this event

The main session consists of a presentation of ca 30 minutes, followed by time for questions and discussion. After one hour there is extra time for continuing the discussion with those who wish to stay a bit longer. The session is open to anyone with an interest in the topic. If you are a member of the Leiden University Research Data Management Community, you will have received an invitation by email. If you are not a member, or did not receive the email, please contact us at datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl and we will send you the joining information.

About the Connect & events

This event is part of the “Connect & ...” series of meetings arranged by, and for, the Leiden University Research Data Management Community. The meetings take place every month, except for in August, on different days and at different times, to maximise access according to people’s different working hours. Topics and speakers are proposed by members of the community – you can post a suggestion in the community’s MS Teams space, write to datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl, or just put it in the chat during the next meeting. If you are interested in joining the community, please fill out the registration form.


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