Universiteit Leiden

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Network meeting

Connect & Share: Licenses and Access Rights – How to Set the Appropriate Conditions for your Dataset

Thursday 15 June 2023
MS Teams

This network event coincides with the CDS Summer Training Week. We invite the members of the Research Data Management Community as well as Leiden researchers to this online session in which two experts from Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) will teach us about the various options that you have regarding licenses and access rights, when you make use of this data repository.

When depositing a dataset in a data repository, you as the depositor can set the appropriate conditions for further use of your dataset. By setting access rights, you can determine who can, and who cannot, access your dataset and under which conditions. Restrictions often follow from the type of data that the dataset contains, for example in the case of personal information. A license determines what others can do with your dataset, such as reuse it for future research. There are several types of licenses that each have slightly different specifications. In this session, we will discuss how access conditions and licensing are being handled in DANS’ data repository.

Please contact datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl if you are not a member of the Research Data Management Community and would like to attend.

About Connect & events

This event is part of the “Connect and …” series of meetings arranged by, and for, the Leiden University Research Data Management Community. The meetings take around the middle of the month, every month, at different days and times, so as to maximize access according to people’s different working hours. Topics and speakers are proposed by members of the Community.

You can post a suggestion in the Community's MSTeams space, or write to datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl, if you have a topic you'd like to discuss in a future meeting and the CDS team will help to make it happen.

If you’re interested in joining us, please fill out the registration form .

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