Universiteit Leiden

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Library, Research

Create your ORCID now: the Library can help

3 June 2024


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is the international system for the persistent identification of academic authors. It distinguishes between authors with identical names and allows for correct attribution of academic output to the appropriate author. Because ORCID is an important means to improve the visibility of research, Leiden University encourages all researchers to create an ORCID. Journal publishers also  increasingly ask their authors to provide an ORCID.

Easy to create

Leiden researchers can easily create their own ORCID iD via https://orcid.org/register and then link it to their publications in LUCRIS, which will also be listed on the University website.

We kindly request all Leiden researchers who have not yet created their own ORCID and/or have not registered their ORCID in LUCRIS to do so.

  1. If you do not yet have an ORCID, you can first create one via https://orcid.org/register.
    The registration process should not take more than 5 minutes of your time.
  2. The next step is registration in LUCRIS; this short manual provides you with quick guidance on pages 1-2.

You can find additional information on the University Staff portal and the Library website’s ORCID information page. On the latter page, you will also find a useful manual with screenshots.

If you have any questions about registering or the use of ORCID, the Library Open Access team will be happy to answer all your questions via openaccess@library.leideuniv.nl.

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